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Doula, Postpartum Doula, Pregnancy Massage, Online Doula, Baby, New Mother, Breastfeeding, Postnatal Support, Postnatal Massage, Birth Story Listening, Spiritual, Healing, Reiki, Life Coach, Intuitive, Infant Massage

Birth Art Circles

Embrace the power of Women, the power of Circle and the power of Creation. Birth Art Circle is a 2-hour small group session hosted in person and online. 


Connect to your innermost self, to your higher self. Feel the love, support and connection the universe provides through the power of connecting with women in the sacred space of pregnancy and mothering. Celebrate the miracle of life and our connection to Mother Earth.


Ground in the physical, tune into the spiritual, open your heart and connect to your womb space as you explore your relationship with yourself and your mothering journey. Honour this sacred time of life with the rituals of Circle, Reflection and Sharing. 


The key elements of Guided Meditation and Circle Energy Healing along with the reflective tools of Birth Art and Oracle Cards create the process, nurturing your personal growth, self-awareness and intuitive nature. 


As an Intuitive Healer, Accredited Life Coach and Postpartum Doula, a Certified Birth Story Listener and Birth Art Mentor with Birthing from Within, Birth Art Circle is my personal creation, drawing on my skills, experience and passion to support you on your mothering journey. 


These women’s circles are individually themed for all stages of mothering from preconception to grandmothers and birth workers. Designed as a one off “pop-up” event. Please check the events page on Facebook for upcoming circles or get in touch with me to talk about a circle in your area or Online.


It is possible to host a circle in your home, you need a space where 7 women can sit comfortably in circle, alternatively there may be a suitable local hall or yoga studio happy to host. No art experience is needed – the art component is a simple and powerful reflective tool. For in person circles all materials are provided, for online circles I will give you a simple list of materials, you will mostly already have at home.


Please get in touch and let me know your interest.

I look forward to sitting in circle with you soon.


With Love, Blessings & Appreciation



“Art-making in prenatal preparation gives each parent the experience of moving out of their neocortex and into their creative, intuitive mind, where they can begin to access deeper beliefs, insights, imagery, and solutions than they could in the ordinary beta-brainwave state of alert consciousness. Thus, parents get a taste of the “Labor Land” mindset, as well as the unconscious mind’s ability to generate unlimited possibilities and solutions for any issues that might arise.” 

Nikki Shaheed - Birthing From Within Mentor & Co-Owner 

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